Saturday, June 28, 2008

Todd being artsy crafty

I thought he did a good job with these campfire pictures. Some of the best he's taken.

Alaina asleep at the evening campfire.

Feeling Small

Walking among the redwoods in Stout Grove. These were a couple of the smaller ones. We had such a great vacation.

This is inside a dead redwood that you had to skinny down a little hole in order to get into.

This is another redwood that Alaina thought was cool to stand in. If your wondering why the other boys aren't in this picture, it's because they ran ahead.

This is the redwood that you had to skinny down the hole to get inside. It was fun. We all went in including Alaina. Here she is being sweet and helping Dallin out of the hole, it was very cute.

Smith River fun

Mason about to jump off a huge rock and into a deep pool of crystal clear water.

Dallin and Hunter playing around. Todd and I didn't bring our swimsuits but the boys said the water wasn't that bad. Definatly was warmer than the rivers here.

We took turns floating down the river in our raft. By the time Alaina got her turn she was so tired she fell asleep.

Smith River

Aiden our little climber decided to climb the rock we were swiming around in the smith river.

Proud of his accomplishment he is posing for the camera.

Alaina trying to figure out how her brother did that.

Jedediah campground

Alaina wanted on this stump pretty bad so Todd helped her up and took a picture

As soon as he took the picture this is what happened everyone else wanted up and a picture of them as well.