Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playing in the surf

Aiden, Gavin and Nathan were the only ones that braved the cold and got wet.

The real miracle was Alaina got close to the surf. She usually keep as far away as possible.

she thought the bubbles were fun.

See how close she got. I thought she was quite brave considering her fear.


Jenni said...

I love her coat it is so cute. It looks like it was cold! Those boys are braver then I would be!

Kaylynn said...

I was just thinking the same thing. Super cute coat, and brrrrr!

Lori said...

Us women must be wimpy, because my very first thought was... Brrrrr no shoes? I remember being a kid though and jumping into the water w/o fear. Now, unless it's as warm as bath water it takes me a looong time to "jump in". I usually have to count before I actually do it too. Why is that?

By the way, your daughter is absolutely beautiful!

The Ballard Family said...

I need to come visit again and bring my family this time--I love these pictures of your kids.

Todd and Andrea Kestner Family said...

Yea and maybe when it's a little warmer. We can do so much more.

Cherrie said...

If you want warmer weather then come visit us in Texas!!! :)
Love ya'll...Aunt Cherrie