Wednesday, November 5, 2008

With the economy the way it is and money getting tight it's nice to know our men aren't too proud to do what they must to provide for their families.

Today's dumpster diving yielded 1 gallon of apple cider and two pumpkins.

Actually the dumpster diving was spurred on by the fact that on halloween Goran threw away his fermented apple juice which Todd thought would be perfect to shoot and watch explode. While they were looking for apple juice they discovered the pumpkins which would also make for a great target.

For Kristoffers birthday we said we would take him up to shoot some of Todd's guns. Andreas also came up to shoot. Ingela got to shoot her black powder pistol for the first time as well. We spent about three hours up there and had a lot of fun.

If you have never shot black powder guns you should give it a try it's a blast! I prefer black powder pistols of course. You can't really see the smoke in this picture but in case your wondering that is what we are blowing.


Anonymous said...

That looks like it was a blast. I especially liked the dumpster divers. I would have been right there with them.... pushing them in :) Miss you guys say hello to everyone. Alaina is getting big and she doesn't even know her auntie Tavia how sad :( love ya

Jenni said...

Alright lets be honest Todd used the excuse of want it to shoot but was all the fermented juice gone when you went shooting? Very sly Todd, very sly. I didn't recognize you shooting with out your Shrek tissue paper in your ears!